I provide in-home non-medical support to parents living in Philadelphia and Montgomery and Bucks counties. My approach is to center the parent’s needs and encourage rest in an effort to build confidence and reduce isolation. I believe rest, support and community are essential to the life-changing journey of becoming a parent. 

I provide support to all types of families, including biological and adoptive families. Support focuses on the needs of each family during the early stages of postpartum or early parenthood. Services are provided either as a package or short-term support.  


calm relaxed tidy home feeling

A postpartum doula provides support and guidance during the early months of parenthood. Modern life is not set up to adequately support new parents with little or no parental leave, sometimes limited familial support due to long distances between family members, inadequate healthcare for birthing people and overwhelming and contradicting parenting advice on social media. A postpartum doula can help bridge this gap in support. They provide evidence-based information, assist with newborn care and family adjustment, encourage parents to develop their own style and provide referrals to trusted community resources.

DONA International Position Paper: The Postpartum Doula's Role in Maternity Care



As a former social worker, community organizer and project manager and now mom-
I will work with you to create a system that works for your needs.

Every family is unique, so every family's needs will be unique. Your needs may shift from visit-to-visit or hour-by-hour. Maybe you need an empathetic ear or to take a nap while I take care of the baby. Maybe you need some guidance on feeding or can't figure out babywearing. Maybe you're completely exhausted and haven't had a minute to take care of your basic needs.  Maybe you are feeling isolated and want to start meeting other new parents, but don't know where to start. 

Whatever the level, style or type of help you're looking for- we'll figure it all out together.